Friday, March 10, 2006

Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Are you a language major interested in learning your language in another country? Or are you an adventurous, curious type who just wants to see what the world has to offer. All of the above?

Hi. My name is Judy Byrne. I once lived in Spain for two years. For one year, I was a student, and the other, an English teacher. I also lived in Costa Rica to complete an internship for an MBA program, and Mexico to brush up on my Spanish. I think studying abroad is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself. It doesn't matter if you are a language major, or if you decide to live in an English-speaking country. The important thing is to widen your horizons.

The next best way to learn a new language. Click here to find out about getting a dish satellite service. It's cheaper than cable and you get more of a variety.

If you need to find ways to finance your international travels, I highly recommend you check out student loans if you haven't already. The downside is that you'll have to pay them back. The flipside is you get to pursue your education and dreams. Of course, there are also tons of great scholarships out there for the truly ambitious who will not let lack of finances stand in their way.

Sign up here to get information about scholarships

The next step is to find the right study abroad program. If your school has a program, check to make sure it is compatible with your goals. Are you allowed to travel on your own, if you'd like? Can you live with a family or on your own? How many options do they give you as far as countries, cities, and educational opportunities?

Once you have determined the right program, it's time to get your ticket! There are lots of online sites you could search, but the best and cheapest is

Click here to search for the best airfare prices online.